Make an impression
Our boys’ efforts in achieving the Woston core values are evidenced through our Shades of Blue system. This efficient communication system monitors student progress and behavior, helps recognize areas of concern, and often prevents small issues from escalating into big ones. Shades of Blue is also essential to Woston’s effort to keep parents informed of their son’s academic and behavior success and challenges. Students who model and even exceed the Shades of Blue standards are recognized through our Bulldog of the Week and Bulldog of the Term awards, which further emphasize our core values. Thanks to the patience, guidance, and dedication of our caring community, all of our students have the ability to reach the highest levels of Shades of Blue and, in doing so, realize their full potential as students and individuals.
Woston School provides an education that is attuned with exceptional care to individual student needs. With our small section sizes, we work diligently to ensure that each boy is correctly placed so that he feels fully challenged and fully supported. While we have a strong idea as to correct placement from admissions materials, we continue to monitor a student’s placement throughout his years at Woston.
The curriculum
Finally, with the powerful and natural integration of iPads and laptops into the dynamics of learning, we recognize the compelling value of technological fluency for each of our students. We do not believe in using technology for technology’s sake, but to harness the power of technology to enhance learning, and in thoroughly preparing our students for a future in which technology will be a ubiquitous, second-nature part of the world they inherit and create.